Today's image is a "finished" image and how it got there. On top is, obviously, the end result. I've included the bottom image to show the use of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom's (LR) Radial Filter. I've seen a couple photographers who have used the Radial Filter once and thought that was it. Sort like the Crop Tool would be used. You make your Crop and you're done. Of course you can go in and readjust your Crop, but it's a one shot deal. Just by looking you can probably tell that a lot more has been done to the image than just LR's Radial Filter. The sequence can be found if you hit the "Read More".
Today's image is another from last weekend's workshop in the Poconos. We were shooting in George W. Childs Park in Dingmans Ferry Pennsylvania. According to the sign at the entrance it's run as part of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. It's one of the nicest parks we've been to as far as access goes. Wide crushed rock trails, wooden stairs to get down the steepest parts, overlooks with benches, just great for what we were doing (photography). If your thing is the wilderness experience, not so much. It has a series of waterfalls and offers a myriad of vantage points for shooting. Today's image is there, kind of. To see what "kind of" means, hit the "Read More". Read more!
We spent this past weekend with some friends (and made some new ones) at PEEC (Pocono Environmental Education Center) for a photo workshop with John Barclay. Had a good time, laughed a little, shot a lot, slept on a rock (at least that's what the mattress felt like), and learned a new photographic technique. During John's welcoming presentation he showed some of his work, including a technique he referred to as "swiping". I'll let the cat out of the bag and reveal his "secret" technique after you hit the "Read More" Read more!
We were up in Maine shooting around Acadia National Park last week and did a couple of "photo walks". One was a night photography "safari" in the park with "Acadia Photo Safari". Howie Motenko is the owner and guide. Nice guy, knows some of the better spots for photography in the area and was very willing to help anyone on the trip with any technical issues. For us, the big reason to signup was not so much any help with photography but because he knew the back roads and shortcuts getting from one site to another. If you're at the national park I'd really recommend taking one of Howie's tours. The other thing we did was take part in Scott Kelby's World Wide Photo Walk. I've lead walks for the past five years and this was the first one where we were participants. We didn't do just one, we did two. The morning was in Acadia with guess who. Howie and his gang from MountDesertIslandPhotoClub. Great group of people. Very friendly. The afternoon/evening walk was in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, about three hours back down the coast from Acadia. Also a good time and the combination of the night shoot and the Boothbay walk resulted in today's image. To see how it was done, hit the "Read More". Read more!
If you're looking through the blog and you see a shot that catches your fancy, it's probably for sale as a limited addition, signed and numbered print.
All prints are large format, starting at 16 x 20 and going up. Leave a note with your email address and we can discuss which prints are available, which are sold out and those that will never be available.
Prints can be purchased either mounted or mounted and framed.
Corporate purchases of multiple copies of prints are available.