The subject of today's image was at the same Renaissance Faire as the person in my last post. If you check them both out there's something you may notice that makes them similar. There's not a whole lot to look at other than the subject. That's today's key to getting better "starting points" to having a successful image. There's a fairly prolific photographer/writer out in the wild by the name of Rick Sammon. I've seen him speak a couple times and have come to the conclusion that Rick's biggest fan is --- Rick. There is, however, one phrase he uses that goes along with the way I've shot most of my career. His saying is "the name of the game is fill the frame". He's not the first guy (or the last) to espouse that philosophy. There's a guy out on YouTube who goes by the handle Fro Knows Foto. According to him, he doesn't crop. Says he shoots the frame he wants in the camera. Cropping is apparently against some bizarre cult rule he's set up for himself. My guess would be that he must not frame and hang a whole lot of prints. It almost impossible to find frames that fit the standard format of a camera's sensor. Today's image is 100% of what the camera saw when I clicked the shutter. To find out way that's both a good thing and a bad thing, hit the "Read More".
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Aretha Cool – A Book by Matthew Jordan Smith
4 weeks ago