I don't usually mess with too many (read that as none)
controls found in most of the HDR packages I've tried. As a result, if you start from RAW images you
end up with a fairly flat (as in contrast) HDR image. Great range, just muddy as all heck. Pushing an image back over to LR as a 32 bit
image creates a big file that has a lot of room to play in.
As an
aside, I used to explain (when I was with Intel) bit depth as a comparison to
sand. I originally heard it (I
paraphrased) in a presentation from Digital
Equipment Corporation. If 8 bits (of
sand) could fill an average salt shaker, then 16 bits would be all the sand you
could put on a conference room table. 32
bits would be all the sand on a large beach and 64 bits would be all the known
sand in the solar system. Pretty big
jumps, wouldn't you say.) 8 bit color (in
RGB) gives 256 color. 16 bit color gives
32,768 colors. 24 bit color (what's known
as True Color on a computer monitor) gives 16,777,216 colors. 32 bit color give more than a billion
colors. The eye can't distinguish more
than a few colors. As an experiment,
posterize an image. Start with a four
color posterization. Walk it up higher
and higher. See if it looks full color
at about an eight level posterization.
And we're playing with 32 bit color?
Seems a little overkill. But I digress.
Back in LR I cropped to the final compostion (slight error
to do it so early). Made some global
adjustments and then went nuts with the Adjustment Brush. I dropped so many Pins that the image looked
like it had either measles or chicken pox.
I had to keep pulling the Brush off to make the Pins go away so I could
see what was going on. The adjustment
Brush is a lot easier than the old days of burning and dodging under an
enlarger, but it does exactly the same thing.
When that was through I looked at the HDR sky and said
"nope". That where things got
tricky. The "original" good
looking sky was still full frame and the developed image had already been
cropped. Oh well. I selected both images and opened them as
Layers in PS (from LR, Photo/Edit In/Open As Layers in PS). Lower the Opacity of the upper Layer and used
the Move Tool (V) to walk the upper Layer into reasonable alignment with the
lower Layer. I then cropped the full
frame image to the already cropped size.
I let PS do the work of fine tuning the alignment using Edit/Auto-Align
The rest was easy.
Make a Mask using Calculations (Image/Calculations). Use it to take out the bad (HDR'd) sky. Throw a slight Vignette around the whole
thing and send it back over to LR (File Save [not Save As]/File/Close).
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